October 13, 2020
Reflect on Abram's call in Genesis 12 alongside the call you are wrestling with right now using these 10 Practical Characteristics of God's Call Source: Unknown
Call is touching the reality of what is while envisioning what could be.
Call connects us to places of pain in the world and is often connected to the places of pain in ourselves.
Call is persistent.
Call uses the gifts we bring, evokes new gifts from within us and requires the gifts of others.
Call is impossible and, therefore, deepens our awareness of our utter dependence on God for whom all things are possible.
Call energizes, excites, and enlivens.
Call is confirmed in community.
Call is to be shared by community.
Call is costly.
Call evolves. And one call often competes with others authentic calls in our lives, requiring an often painful prioritizing of those calls.